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<br />installation at no additional cost to the Department. Set Dynamic Load Test equipment to the <br />damping value provided by the Engineer prior to driving the production pile. <br />If the Engineer requires an additional Dynamic Load test for comparison <br />purposes on piles with a properly functioning EDC, the Contractor will be paid an additional <br />Dynamic Load Test. If the Engineer directs the Contractor to engage a specialty engineer to <br />perform Dynamic Load Tests on a pile with a properly functioning EDC, the Specialty Engineer <br />will be paid for as Unforeseeable Work. <br />The Engineer may also require static load tests to confirm pile capacities. <br />When the Contract Documents do not include pay items for Static Load Tests, they will be paid <br />for as Unforeseeable Work. <br /> <br />SUBARTICLE 455-5.12.1 (Pages 537 and 538) is deleted and the following substituted: <br /> <br />455-5.12.1 Description: Data collection from EDCs will be the responsibility of <br />the Department, and will be in addition to the information collected in accordance with 455-5.13. <br />Drive piles of the same cross-section and type as the permanent piles <br />shown in the plans, in order to determine any or all of the following: <br />(a) the installation criteria for the piles. <br />(b) the nature of the soil. <br />(c) the lengths of permanent piles required for the work. <br />(d) the driving resistance characteristics of the various soil strata. <br />(e) the amount of work necessary to obtain minimum required pile <br /> <br />penetration. <br /> <br />(f) the ability of the driving system to do the work. <br />(g) the need for point protection. <br />Because test piles are exploratory in nature, drive them harder (within the <br />limits of practical refusal), deeper, and to a greater bearing resistance than required for the <br />permanent piling. Except for test piles which are to be statically (or Statnamically) load tested, <br />drive test piles their full length or to practical refusal. Build up test piles which have been driven <br />their full length and have developed only minimal required bearing, and proceed with further <br />driving. <br />As a minimum, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, do not cease <br />driving of test piles until obtaining the required bearing capacity continuously, where the <br />capacity is generally increasing, for 10 feet unless reaching practical refusal first. For test piles <br />which are to be statically (or Statnamically) load tested, ignore this minimum and drive these <br />piles as anticipated for the production piles. <br />When test piles attain practical refusal prior to attaining minimum <br />penetration, perform all work necessary to attain minimum penetration and the required bearing. <br />Where practical, use water jets to break the pile loose for further driving. Where jetting is <br />impractical, extract the pile and install a Preformed Pile Hole through which driving will <br />continue. The Department will consider the work of extracting the pile to be Unforeseeable <br />Work. <br />When driving test piles other than low displacement steel test piles, have <br />preforming equipment available at the site and water jets as specified in 455-5.7 when jetting is <br />allowed, ready for use, before the test pile driving begins. <br />The Engineer may elect to interrupt pile driving up to four times on each <br />test pile, two times for up to two hours and two additional times during the next working day of <br />