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Addendum No. 1
City Clerk
(10-04-01) Prof. Engineering Svcs.
Addendum No. 1
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Last modified
11/9/2010 9:41:38 AM
Creation date
11/9/2010 9:41:23 AM
Project Name
Professional Engineering Svcs.
Bid No. (xx-xx-xx)
Project Type (Bid, RFP, RFQ)
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<br />meets our qualifications, then we will dig deeper and look into those forms. <br /> <br />QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS <br /> <br />1. For the 10-page limit, the business financial statements and annual revenues, would that be <br />counted towards it? <br />No. The financial statements are also not part of the ten pages. <br /> <br />2. What format do you want it in? <br />How you make your presentation is up to you, you know best how to sell yourselves. <br />You know what your skills are, you know what is going to make the best impression on <br />us. We want to use the free-form approach because it gives you a chance to shine. If <br />we give you a very particular format, it may not give you a chance to show us what you <br />can really do, and we don't want to limit you, so whatever is best for you, please use <br />that approach. <br /> <br />. 3. How many firms will you be selecting? <br />We don't know. If it takes 20 firms to give us the opportunities that we need, it will be <br />20 firms. If three firms cover it, it will be three firms. Last year we selected two <br />architectural firms, and one of them did a small project and did not satisfy the City, the <br />other firm did very well. The firm that did well picked up other small projects and are <br />now doing larger projects. <br /> <br />4. Can we create our own 330 Form? <br />No. Please use the existing forms so there is consistency. <br /> <br />5. If you are selected as one of the companies on this list, are you prohibited from submitting on <br />the larger projects that the City undertakes? <br />Absolutely not. Again, this is kind of that chance for the City's benefit, this process <br />serves two purposes: 1) we have got a list of people that have gone through the process, <br />and in this City we like things done quickly, that is the driving force here. That is <br />what we will be looking for, how quickly you react and give us services, and so this is a <br />great opportunity for us to get jobs done quickly because all the legal processes have <br />been accomplished and we can get on with doing the job; and 2) again, it gives us a <br />chance to see who is going to give us better service on the larger projects and so quite <br />the contrary of eliminating you from the larger projects, it gives you a foot in the door. <br />This is a golden opportunity to be first up on the list for the larger projects. <br /> <br />6. If you have a project and, we are a Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) sub-consultant to <br />an architect or a civil engineer, if he is hearing you right, we should submit prime, and let's <br />say there is an architectural project that does require a sub-consultant, will you put the teams <br />together? <br />Typically no, unless it is a small project that we know we can just pull a couple of <br />people together, knock it out and move on. Anything that has got any real meat to it, <br />we don't want to force you all into a marriage that may not work, and so we would ask <br />whoever we select to pick their own people. We might say, here is a list of people that <br />we have already approved but we would not force it on you. <br /> <br />Addendum No.1 Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference QA OSOSlOPage 3 of 6 <br />
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