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Addendum No. 1
City Clerk
(10-04-01) Prof. Engineering Svcs.
Addendum No. 1
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Last modified
11/9/2010 9:41:38 AM
Creation date
11/9/2010 9:41:23 AM
Project Name
Professional Engineering Svcs.
Bid No. (xx-xx-xx)
Project Type (Bid, RFP, RFQ)
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<br />7. And the architects and civil engineers should not include MEP on their teams? <br />No, unless you have those in-house services. Again, the idea is: what can you do for us? <br />If we have a larger project, a bridge for example, we will need structural people, <br />environmental specialists, etc, and you would go pick the team for that project. For <br />the small ones, for instance where we just need someone to do another entrance at <br />Pelican Community Park (PCP), we would pick a consultant from the list to do the <br />work for us and we are done. <br /> <br />8. On number 6 you are asking for proposed personnel assigned to the City, the City's various <br />potential projects including their qualifications and experience, is that the resume? <br />What we are saying is, it doesn't matter if you have all these great people if they won't <br />be working on our project. What are you going to do for the City with whom, and that <br />should be in the ten pages. <br /> <br />9. Resumes will not be part of the ten pages, is that correct? <br />The resumes will be part of the ten pages, if it is part of the 330 or any of the other <br />required forms, if you have to submit that as part of the backup package for the firm, <br />that is fine, but what we are looking for in the ten pages is: who are you going to send <br />to us and tell us why they would be the best person to hire for the job. We are not <br />looking for the firm name, we are not looking for the national offices, these are one-on- <br />one issues. <br /> <br />Our approach to this is that when we start, we are a team and we will be there for you <br />and we want you to be there for us. If you do good work and you support us, we are <br />the best people on the planet to work for, if you don't we are not. So if you have heard <br />good or bad things we probably deserve both. If it is a firm that has not given us what <br />we feel to be good service, then we are tough to work with. If you do a good job, we <br />will take care of you but it is your response that counts. We can't say that enough, it is <br />response that counts. <br /> <br />10. Tabs and cover pages do not count on the ten pages? <br />No, and again, the old joke in English class where the professor threw up the term <br />papers and the one that hit the floor first was the A, and then he graded the rest of <br />them on the curve depending on how quickly they hit the floor. We do the exact <br />opposite. We have found that people who really know what they are doing and are <br />really good at what they are doing, can tell you that very quickly. People who depend <br />on fluff and a lot of verbiage may not be as good at their jobs. Weare going to have a <br />lot of these to go through and we are looking for real service, and again, the people who <br />are looking at them have a very good understanding of what they are looking for, so <br />please don't waste your time or ours. Take your ten pages and run them ofT the Xerox <br />machine in black and white, the glamour is not what we are looking at. The pretty <br />covers and pictures are not going to be anything that is considered, it is the text. When <br />you submit your packages, do not bind them, do not put them in a folder, don't staple <br />them, just use a clip or binder clip, that makes it easier for us to go through them. <br /> <br />Addendum No.1 Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference QA OSOSlOl'age 4 of 6 <br />
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