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charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, which are applicable at the time of his Bid <br />When such charges are normally made by the CITY and when so stated in the Special Conditions, there will be no charges <br />to the CONTRACTOR The CITY shall assist the CONTRACTOR, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and <br />licenses. The CONTRACTOR will also pay all public utility charges. <br />Electrical Power and Lighting : <br />6.16 Electrical power required during construction shall be provided by each prime CONTRACTOR as required by <br />them. This service shall be installed by a qualified electrical Contractor approved by the CITY. Lighting shall be provided <br />by the CONTRACTOR in all spaces at all times where necessary for good and proper workmanship, for inspection or <br />for safety. No temporary power shall be used off temporary lighting lines without specific approval of the <br />CONTRACTOR. <br />Laws and Regulations <br />6.17 The CONTRACTOR will give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable <br />to the Work. If the CONTRACTOR observes that the Specifications or Drawings are at variance therewith, they will <br />give the CITY prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by an appropriate modification. <br />If the CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and <br />without such notice to the CITY, they will bear all costs arising therefrom; however, it shall not be their primary <br />responsibility to make certain that the Drawings and Specifications are in accordance with such laws, ordinances, rules <br />and regulations. <br />Taxes <br />6.18 Cost of all applicable sales consumer, use, and other taxes for which the CONTRACTOR is liable under the <br />Contract shall be included in the Contract Price stated by the CONTRACTOR- <br />Record Drawings: <br />6.19 The CONTRACTOR will keep one record copy of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications and Shop <br />Drawings at the site in good order and annotated to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall <br />be available to any City Representative at all reasonable times and shall be delivered to the CITY upon completion of the <br />Proj ect. <br />Safety and Protection : <br />6.20 The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and <br />programs in connection with the Work. They will take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and will provide the <br />necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: <br />6.20.1 All employees and other persons who may be affected thereby, <br />6.20.2 All the Work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the <br />site, and <br />6.20.3 Other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, <br />roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of <br />construction. <br />6.21 The CONTRACTOR will designate a responsible member of their organization at the site whose duty shall be the <br />00710-11 <br />