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P4ofess bnAt GgAerak Eagine.e.tiog Cons Want <br />Marlin Engineering, Inc. (MEI) is pleased to respond to the City of Sunny Isles Beach <br />Request for Qualifications No. 06- 12 -02, Professional General Engineering Consultant. <br />We believe that we are uniquely qualified to assist the City with the production of the <br />work anticipated. We have teamed with very qualified subconsultants, Milian, Swain & <br />Associates (Drainage and Environmental Permitting) and Tierra, Inc. <br />(Geotechnical). This full service team has been carefully selected to provide a variety <br />of specialized services while still maintaining the personal characteristics of a small to <br />midsize firm. We are committed to engineering excellence and client satisfaction. We <br />strive to attain these two very important goals through the quality and experience of our <br />staff, our friendly attitude, and our will to survive through hard honest work. <br />In the following sections of this RFP, you will find that our Project Manager and Task <br />Managers are very experienced in the design of sanitary sewer, lift stations, drainage, <br />street lighting and utility coordination. You will also find that our scheduling, <br />coordination, quality control and cost control strategies are extremely effective in giving <br />the client the best for their money. Finally, you will discover that our staff is available <br />and at the disposition of the City. <br />1. Awareness of Project Issues <br />Atlantic Isles is a beautiful residential community located within the City of Sunny Isles <br />Beach. This community is an island which has one direct access to Collins Avenue. <br />There in an existing two lane road within the community that varies in width between 18 <br />and 20 feet and becomes a one way pair surrounding an interior lake on the island. <br />There are a number of beautiful historic bridges. The existing speed limit is 20 miles <br />per hour. Currently, the existing drainage is composed of swales and a small french <br />drain system at the western end of the island. The residences are on septic tank. <br />There is no street lighting and the existing pavement is in poor condition. <br />1116 "WAY DRAINAGE DESIGN <br />(Naldo Gonzalez, P.E., Task Manager). The design of drainage, paving, lighting <br />and sewer improvements has many common key issues that affect the project <br />schedule, cost, and constructability and should be resolved in a proactive manner and <br />time frame. Although there are numerous project issues, the following are some of the <br />key issues that should be considered and resolved accordingly. <br />Drainage: The existing drainage system is composed of grass swales except for a <br />small section of roadway at one west end that has french drains. From our field review <br />we noticed water ponding in this section. Marlin Engineering will design a closed <br />drainage system for the community composed of valley gutter inlets, french drain and <br />deep wells. The existing water table elevation is about 3 ft., therefore a standard <br />french drain system will not work. <br />Sewer: Marlin Engineering has designed numerous sewer distribution system <br />surrounding Atlantic Isles for much of the on -going development. We are familiar with <br />the area and the requirements of Miami -Dade Water and Sewer. We will work closely <br />with the City and the Water and Sewer Department to obtain an approved design within <br />a short time frame. Marlin Engineering has designed numerous lift stations for Miami - <br />Dade Water and Sewer and therefore knows exactly what will be required to get an <br />approved design. We have worked with the Parks Department to connect parks with <br />existing septic tanks to sewer lines, this work also required the design of lift stations. <br />Guido van Meek, P.E. is our task manager for the sewer design work. He has over 35 <br />years of experience in this area being that he used to head the Water Works <br />Department which later became Miami -Dade Water and Sewer. <br />£NI W" 11401114Th <br />= 1) <br />MARLIWJ- <br />AF <br />