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<br />Summary Minutes: Regular City Commission Meeting <br /> <br />July 20, 2006 <br /> <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />did the plan (which Commissioner Iglesias has), Marlin Engineering set up a meeting with <br />staff and he was told it was August 8, 2006. Mayor Edelcup asked City Manager Szerlag ifhe <br />is back in town by that date and he said yes, that this is the first time he has heard about it, and <br />Commissioner Iglesias said he was told today by DOT's consultant. <br /> <br />After public comment, Mayor Edelcup stated that St. Tropez I was approved for a specific <br />piece of property and it is not being modified as it relates to that piece of property. He said <br />this modification is on a separate piece of property that was not part of the property that was <br />presented to the Commission when St. Tropez I was reviewed and received Site Plan <br />approval. He said Mr. Milton acquired that property subsequently, and as a property owner he <br />has a right to develop that property irrespective of what approvals the Commission may have <br />given on St. Tropez I. He said that there will probably be more towers since Mr. Milton is in <br />the process of acquiring other pieces of property along that same avenue. He said the only <br />reason he would have for acquiring those would be to come before the Commission at a future <br />date to present other towers on another separate piece of property which could again be quoted <br />as an amendment as tonight is considered an amendment, treat them as separate Site Plan <br />Reviews even though we may have lumped them together as one particular project. <br /> <br />Mayor Edelcup said to keep in mind of what was on Sunny Isles Boulevard before and how <br />that was a detriment to this City and certainly nothing that we could be proud of to see the old <br />30-40 year old dilapidated one and two-story buildings that were in various states of disrepair <br />on Collins A venue. He stated that there still are a couple of those buildings along that <br />Avenue, which he is hoping Mr. Milton or other developers will acquire. He said we should <br />be encouraging people to work with the City to make it a better City for all of us, and he <br />thinks that this developer has demonstrated by some other proffers that he has made tonight <br />that he is not just looking out for his particular property, although some of the things he is <br />doing may benefit his property, it is also benefiting the City and by benefiting the City it is <br />benefiting everybody in this room. He further stated that to build a fayade around the water <br />sewage treatment plant is not a requirement that had to be done to build this project, but yet <br />Mr. Milton stepped up to the plate and has volunteered to do that. He said the City is <br />cognizant of what is supposed to be best for our people, and our staff is working diligently <br />with this developer and any other developers to see what improvements can be obtained for <br />the entire City, not only for a particular site, but what makes Sunny Isles Beach a better City <br />for all of its residents. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Brezin asked City Attorney Ottinot about the walkway that was addressed, the <br />waterfront fence, that is private property as Mr. Milton indicated, could they at their own <br />discretion at any time close that to the public. City Attorney Ottinot said that the baywalk <br />access is similar to our beach access, it is a permanent easement that the City will publicly <br />utilize unless this Commission removes that. <br /> <br />Commissioner Thaler said that he would like it written in that it is only a drop-off and it can <br />never have valet put into the front entrance to that building on Collins A venue. <br />Commissioner Goodman said that it cannot ever be used as a loading zone either. <br /> <br />City Attorney Ottinot noted for the record that there were some conditions added: 1) the <br />developer agreed to provide two additional handicapped parking spaces; 2) the developer <br /> <br />8 <br />