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2005 0628 Local Planning Agency Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2005 0628 Local Planning Agency Meeting
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<br />Summary Minutes Local Planning Agency Meeting <br /> <br />June 28, 2005 <br /> <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />removed, that is something we will deal with in time but this was not the place for it, and that <br />is why we should refer to the document before the Commission today because there were <br />corrections made. <br /> <br />Mayor Ede1cup said that what Commissioner Brezin is reading is actually a check list that the <br />City Manager would use to evaluate how well he is performing the mission that goes into the <br />Mission Statement but we are not putting into the Comprehensive Plan or the EAR the <br />procedure that the City Manager goes through to make sure that we are doing each of these <br />steps, this is a to-do list as opposed to a broad scope type of an issue. Commissioner Brezin <br />said that it is important and will be dealt with in other documentation that she can refer to in <br />the future, but we are not eliminating it, and City Manager Russo agreed. Commissioner <br />Brezin said another section that was eliminated was Section 4 that serves as a basis of the <br />budget proposals, and City Manager Russo said that the entire section is more of an <br />administrative process and will be dealt with in other documentation. City Manager Russo <br />said in an example, if the Comprehensive Plan that we need to implement a Streetscape <br />Beautification Plan for the City, that would be a point if it wasn't there already that we would <br />be adding with this evaluation of our Comprehensive Plan. He said the factual detail <br />administrative process of going step by step and replacing the newspaper vending machines, <br />the street furniture, the trash receptacles, the lights, the bus shelters, that would be the detail of <br />it that we may not list specifically here. Mayor Edelcup said that these are the things that are <br />delineating concepts and not the to-do list. <br /> <br />Commissioner Goodman said the only thing he is concerned about is traffic and safety. He <br />said in reference to North Bay Road he doesn't believe there is any traffic problem there and <br />that the City streets have any problem with traffic, it is only Collins A venue. He said he is <br />sure that by the time it is finished and sent to the State that there will be many more <br />discussions and many more things that they have to look at and so this is just the preliminary <br />that we are looking at now. Ms. Eichner responded that the EAR before the Commission is a <br />draft but the issues is something that was reviewed and approved by the Commission in the <br />Scoping Meeting back in November, in terms of transportation, the congestion on Collins <br />A venue and North Bay Road were issues that were identified at the Scoping Meeting and what <br />they have subsequently done is send a letter to Tallahassee telling them that these are the <br />issues that were identified at our Scoping Meeting and therefore these are the issues that we <br />will be addressing. She said what they will probably do is go through our transportation <br />element and look at those two parallel facilities to see ifthere are any policies and objectives <br />within the Comprehensive Plan and the transportation element or some other elements that <br />could potentially deal with that issue. Commissioner Goodman said that North Bay Road <br />could be considered as a by-pass but you must take into consideration that one end of North <br />Bay Road is a dead end, and the people would either have to come from Collins A venue or go <br />back to Collins Avenue, so it is very difficult to make that as a by-pass, we still and will <br />continually have the problem with FDOT and Collins A venue. Mayor Edelcup said the report <br />says that we know we have a problem and we will be looking at it with an open eye to new <br />types of solutions which could mean looking at North Bay Road maybe being connected, <br />where it ends right now 183rd maybe it will connect up to 185t\ we know that is in there and <br />we also know that what is in the Plan won't solve everything but we are still going to be <br />looking at these things and basically the EAR is saying that we are going to be looking at <br />those things. Commissioner Goodman said that he is happy that Tallahassee knows it because <br />that is where the FDOT comes from it's a State highway, so ifthey are aware of the fact then <br />4 <br />
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