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<br />Summary Minutes Local Planning Agency Meeting <br /> <br />June 28, 2005 <br /> <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />they know some of our problems and when we go to them they should listen to us because it is <br />in our City. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Thaler said in the affordable housing area, he doesn't feel that we have what half <br />of what that is based on what has been happening in Sunny isles Beach and which is now <br />becoming a condominium and some ofthe affordable housing has been in Sunny Isles Beach <br />and we should keep our eye on it and put a little more detail into where we want to go in the <br />future in the affordable housing area. Ms. Eichner reassured Vice Mayor Thaler that <br />Tallahassee will absolutely positively and without a doubt require the City to closely look at <br />affordable housing, it is the hot issue, and she would hazard to guess that of any of the <br />comments that come back on the Draft EAR the affordable housing issue will be top on the <br />list in Tallahassee, so we will certainly be dealing with it, analyzing it, and will have to come <br />up with policies and an analysis of the affordable housing issue within the City. Vice Mayor <br />Thaler said every meeting he has gone to including Broward and Palm Beach Counties <br />affordable housing has been brought up but we should continue to look at it and put it on the <br />forefront of our policy, and Ms. Eichner said it is on the forefront. <br /> <br />Mayor Edelcup said he would like to see something in the EAR that shows some ofthe other <br />things that we have been able to accomplish over the last five years and one ofthose is the Art <br />in Public Place, Private Place concept that the City has put through in the area where you are <br />talking about in our concepts of architecture and culture, and the other is that the City created <br />an Historic Preservation Board. He said that there is a provision that got talked about in the <br />original Comprehensive Plan that is for neighborhood or village identification throughout the <br />City and those who are familiar with the old Streetscape Plan which provided for monuments <br />or markers to be placed along Collins A venue adjacent to the various neighborhoods, the <br />neighborhoods being either the Arlen House area, the Kings Point area, Poinciana Island, <br />Atlantic Isle, Winston Towers, Golden Shores, each of those areas were to have some sort of <br />specific local identification and he would like to see that somehow wrapped into this Plan. <br />Mayor Edelcup said those, other then the corrective errors that he had mentioned to Ms. <br />Eichner prior to this meeting on specific pages that she can take care of, are the sum of his <br />comments, and he opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />5. PUBLIC HEARING <br />Action: Isaac Aelion said that he was concerned about the commercial building within the <br />Winston Towers complex at 17395 North Bay Road. He said an opinion by the County dated <br />September 4, 1979 and issued by Chester C. Czebrinski, Assistant Director, Building and <br />Zoning Department, specifically stipulates that following hearings and files and regulations, <br />etc., that particular area which the Commission established under the DU-l Commercial <br />setting, was to benefit the residents ofthe Winston Towers Complex area. He forwarded the <br />opinion to the City Clerk for the records. He said that there are rumors that the present <br />owners of this commercial property may consider elimination of such property to be replaced <br />by a condominium. <br /> <br />Commissioner Goodman asked if we are bound by Miami-Dade County's 1979 zoning plan or <br />does our zoning plan that we have for the west side of Collins A venue take precedent. Mr. <br />Aelion said the Master Plan envisioned the population multiplied by the seven buildings and <br />the units and the density was not to encompass any other building area. Commissioner <br />5 <br />