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<br />") <br />) <br />~) <br />) <br />) <br />) <br />) <br /> <br /> <br />Protection Resources <br /> <br />T&M PROTECTION RESOURCES, LLC - RFP # 12-01-02 - PAGE 12 <br /> <br />. TvIPT Modeling Queensboro Bridge <br />. Structural Analysis and Design of Signal Poles. Completion: 2009. Fee: $44,462.26 <br /> <br />) <br />) <br />) <br /> <br />New York City Wireless Communications <br />Client: Northrop Grumman IT <br />GPI was retained by Northrop Grumman to develop constmction plans, specifications and details for the <br />installation of wireless communication and ITS equipment on City highways throughout New York City's five <br />boroughs as part of the New York City Wireless Network (NYCWiN). The project was part of a major city- <br />wide initiative to provide a secure wireless communication technology to be utilized by New York City Police <br />Department (NYPD), DOT and public agencies for multiple uses. GPI developed plans and specifications <br />for 29 project sites in the Boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and the Bronx. <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />Specific project tasks included: <br />. Obtaining existing documentation relative to site design and performing engineering site design visits <br />. Developing and submitting construction drawings for site construction and/or site permitting <br />. Preparing foundation design for specified CCTV and microwave poles, including detailed drawings <br />. Preparing an estimate of quantities <br />. Preparing NEPA/SEQR documentation <br />. Attending site visits and meetings, and providing required coordination with involved agencies <br />including NYPD, Con-Edison, NYCDOT and NYSDOT <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />Office of the Mayor of New York City, Situation and Command Center <br />New York, NY <br />Client: Urbahn Architects <br />With responsibility for a global city and its 8 million inhabitants, the mayor of New York City needed a <br />command and communication center that is easy to access and use; in a crisis, no one wants to spend time <br />figuring out how to use the multimedia systems. The goal of this space was to enable the mayor's staff to <br />quickly react to developing situations and accelerate the decision-making process. <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />Shen Milsom & \\!ilke, working closely with Urbahn Architects, designed a situation and command center for <br />the mayor in the basement of New York City Hall. TillS command center is where the mayor and his senior <br />staff gather during a crisis to monitor, strategize and consult with local, state and federal agencies. There is <br />also a separate New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM), which is a, a 24/7, multistory <br />building in Brooklyn, in which SM&W also designed the technology. <br /> <br />This project was selected the Best Government A V Project by ARCHITECT and PRO A V magazines and <br />InfoComm International as part of the gmup's 2010 Spotlight Award <br /> <br />T&M PROTECTION RESOURCES, LLC - RFP # 12-01-02 - PAGE 12 <br />230 Park Avenuc, Suitc 440, Ncw York, NY 10169. tel: 212.422.0000 . fax: 212.422.3305 . <br />This business is liccnsed by the Ncw York Dcpartmcnt of State, Division of Liccnsing Scrviccs <br />