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<br />City of Sunny Isles Beach |Invitation to Bid No. 17-08-01 24 <br /> <br />SECTION 4 <br />PROPOSAL FORMAT <br />4.0 FORMAT <br />Proposers must submit (1) original and four (4) copies of the Proposal. The original Proposal must <br />contain an original signature. Be sure that the individual signing the Proposal is authorized to commit the <br />Proposer's organization to the Proposal as submitted. Each page of the Proposal should state the name of <br />the Proposer, the RFP number, and the page number. The City reserves the right to request additional <br />data or material to support Proposals. All material submitted in response to the RFP will become the <br />property of the City. <br />LABEL EACH SECTION AS NUMBERED <br />The proposal must be in the following format. Failure to submit all documentation in response to items <br />#1 through #9 of this section 5 may result in the proposal being deemed non-responsive and may result <br />in the proposer’s bid not being considered, in the City’s Sole Discretion. <br />I. Company Information <br /> In response to this Proposal, all Proposers must provide the following: <br /> Name of Agency/Company (including any "Doing Business As" names) <br /> Company Locations. <br /> Internet Web Site Address (if any). <br /> Details of Entity Business Structure (Corporation, Partnership, LLC). <br /> Date Founded. <br /> Home office address, telephone number, and local address and phone number. <br /> List of any outstanding litigation that would threaten the viability of the firm or the <br />performance of this contract. <br /> Proof of insurance. <br /> Indication of how long it would take to implement service after authorized to begin. <br /> Hours of operation <br /> <br />II. Qualifications <br /> Include licenses and certificates such as the ASE Certified Master Mechanic. <br /> <br /> A schedule of proposed services. The schedule should include the Proposer's <br />understanding of the issues and tasks of the project at hand. <br /> <br />III. Staffing <br /> <br />Relevant experience and qualifications of key personnel, including key personnel of subcontractors, that <br />will be assigned to this project as well as experience and qualifications. The size and experience of the