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for the purposes for which this Agreement is made and entered into by both Parties but shall not <br /> impact or utilize such Existing Utilities. <br /> The LANDLORD makes no expressed or implied warranty as to the condition of the <br /> Leased Premises and/or whether the Leased Premises is habitable or fit for any particular use or <br /> purpose. The LANDLORD expressly refuses to extend and specifically denies any implied <br /> warranty as to the condition to the Leased Premises or any of the structures. <br /> The LANDLORD and the TENANT further agree that the TENANT shall be solely <br /> responsible for obtaining, securing and/or maintaining any and all permits and licenses, <br /> including, but not limited to, building permit(s) and occupancy license(s) for any improvements <br /> to be made to the Leased Premises. The TENANT agrees to be solely responsible for the cost to <br /> obtain any type of permit(s) and/or license(s). <br /> The Parties hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that the TENANT shall not occupy <br /> or otherwise utilize any portion of the Leased Premises where a particular permit or license is <br /> necessary for any use or operation when the TENANT does not have such permit or license for <br /> any reason whatsoever, and the TENANT shall refrain from such use and/or operation unless and <br /> until the TENANT has secured, in hand, the appropriate permit(s) and/or license(s) which <br /> authorizes and warrants the use of such portion or area(s) of the Leased Premises as <br /> contemplated under this Agreement, and the TENANT has also fully complied, at its sole cost <br /> and expense, with any and all laws, rules, codes and regulations. <br /> The TENANT accepts full responsibility to repair and maintain improvements <br /> constructed by the TENANT to the Leased Premises, including, but not limited to, complying <br /> with the Americans with Disabilities Act. • <br /> ARTICLE II <br /> TERM <br /> The term of this Agreement shall commence on the first day of the next calendar month <br /> following the effective date of the resolution by the Board of County Commissioners (the <br /> "Board") approving this Agreement, so long as the required ten (10) day veto period for the <br /> County Mayor has passed or has been waived ("Effective Date"). If the County Mayor has <br /> vetoed this Agreement, then the Effective Date shall be the date that it is approved by the County <br /> Mayor or is subsequently approved by two/thirds of the Board. The LANDLORD and the <br /> TENANT agree that this Agreement is scheduled to terminate twenty (20) years from the <br /> Effective Date (hereinafter, the "Termination"). The LANDLORD will send the TENANT a <br /> Letter of Commencement, identifying both the Effective Date and the Termination Date of this <br /> Agreement. Provided the TENANT is not otherwise in default, the TENANT is hereby granted <br /> the option to extend this Agreement for two (2) additional ten (10) year renewal option periods <br /> upon the approval of the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee for the same terms and <br /> conditions as this Agreement. The TENANT must provide the LANDLORD with notice, in <br /> writing, of its desire to remain on the Leased Premises at least ninety (90) calendar days prior to <br /> the expiration of this Agreement. <br /> This Agreement shall terminate on the Termination Date, or at the end of any extension <br /> or renewal thereof, without the necessity of any notice from either the LANDLORD or the <br /> TENANT to teiminate the same, and the TENANT hereby waives notice to vacate or quit the <br /> Leased Premises and agrees that the LANDLORD shall be entitled the benefit of all provisions <br /> of law with respect to the summary recovery of possession of the Leased Premises from the <br /> TENANT holding over to the same extent as if statutory notice had been given. The TENANT <br /> hereby agrees that if it fails to surrender the Leased Premises at the end of the telui, or any <br /> renewal thereof, the TENANT will be liable to the LANDLORD for any and all damages which <br /> Page 2 of 16 <br /> Sunny Isles Lease Agreement <br />