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AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 330 <br />(1/2004) <br />MANDATORY USE DATE OF FORM 6/2004 <br />improvements with engineering needs of the project. Also responsible for the conceptual design of <br />all material selections and palette, retaining walls, fences, lighting, branding elements, and <br />planting. CGA’s fees: $65,000 <br />e. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Doral Boulevard Beautification Master Plan <br />Doral, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2007 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />Ongoing <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Lead Designer responsible for crafting a streets cape and urban design master plan for Doral Boulevard envisioned as <br />the primary emblem of the City. Responsible for designing all landscape and planning components of the project, <br />which created distinct planning 'character' zones that would impact relation ships of the built environment with the <br />resultant quality of spaces being generated, the creation of dedicated public realm components and design standards <br />for each, access management design recommendations, signage and gateway features, and identifying ar chitectural <br />relationships to improved sidewalk design and parking design recommendations. This document and its vision has <br />been the guiding document for all areas abutting the Boulevard and has been used by the City as a contributing guide <br />for the development of Downtown Doral, focused on safe, pedestrian-friendly, high-quality environments. CGA’s fees: <br />$150,000. <br />f. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />92nd Street Park, <br />Bay Harbor Islands, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2012 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Lead Designer responsible for all public outreach, site design, construction detailing, and pl anting design of a 2-acre <br />urban community passive park. The park includes a small dog park area, flexible open space, outdoor exercise areas, <br />ample shaded seating, parking, furnishings, and urban plaza and solar - powered security lighting. This project was <br />designed, engineered, detailed and constructed on a fast -track to meet very restrictive deadlines of grant funding that <br />had been previously secured by the Town. CGA’s fees: $40,000. <br />g. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Beachwalk Master Plan <br />Surfside, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2008 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />Ongoing <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Lead Designer responsible for the conceptualization and master plan of a 1-mile linear park as a erosion control <br />strategy and connecting all street-end plaza components with access to the beach. This project included dune and <br />turtle habitat restoration, branding sculptures, salt-tolerant plantings, public art branding components, and specialty <br />paving design. Also responsible for all public outreach associated with the project. CGA’s fees: $60,000. <br />h. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Rolling Oaks Park Wayfinding Sign Package <br />Miami Gardens, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2013 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />2014 <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Developed a signage and wayfinding package to provide identification and orientation to users. <br />The signage package was developed as an interchangeable modular system that could be easily <br />customized to meet the unique needs of other park and public amenity areas and that could be <br />placed on project sites as well as within the public ROW. The design was heavily influenced by <br />concerns of safety and its ability to withstand graffiti and vandalism. CGA’s fees: $140,000. <br />i. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Dania Cove Park Narrative Signage <br />Dania Beach, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2011 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />2012 <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Developed a series of narrative signs for inclusion in the park design to celebrate the history of the City and <br />the planting selection as a tool to provide an educational component informing park users on the <br />importance of the flora, fauna and natural environment's contributions to the City's identity. CGA’s fees: <br />$100,000. <br />18