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AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 330 <br />(1/2004) <br />MANDATORY USE DATE OF FORM 6/2004 <br />E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT <br />(Complete one Section E for each key person.) <br />12 NAME <br /> MICHAEL CONNER, ASLA, <br /> RLA <br />13 ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT <br /> LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT <br />14. YEARS EXPERIENCE <br />a TOTAL <br />30 <br />b WITH CURRENT FIRM <br />12 <br />15 FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) <br /> CALVIN, GIORDANO & ASSOCIATES, INC. – FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA <br />16 EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) <br /> Bachelor Landscape Architecture <br /> Ball State University, Indiana <br />B.S., Environmental Design, Ball State University, Indiana <br />17 CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION <br />(STATE AND DISCIPLINE) <br /> Registered Landscape Architect <br /> FL No. LA0001181 <br /> ISA Certified Arborist, FL, No. FL0777 <br />18 OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) <br />Mr. Conner has more than 30 years of combined experience in municipal, commercial, and private sector work. As a <br />Registered Landscape Architect and a Certified Arborist, he is also knowledgeable in all aspects of urban and community <br />forestry planning and tree inventory and appraisal – particularly in built-out environments in the South Florida area. His <br />expertise lies in site planning, hardscape and landscape design. He also has successful experience in public space creation <br />and planning, environmental mitigation, contract administration, site inspections, and grant writing. He will contribute his <br />expertise in native planting, arborist services, and landscape construction administration for landscape projects. <br />19. RELEVANT PROJECTS <br />a. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital/35th Avenue Streetscape <br />Hollywood, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2010 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />2011 <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Provided detailed hardscape and landscape design, as well as irrigation design for the new hospital. Coordinated w ith <br />the Project Architect and CGA’s traffic, electrical and civil engineering departments to provide design and construction <br />administration services for the project. The project included streetscape improvements on N. 35 th Avenue, new custom <br />bus shelters, the relocation of over 100 trees, new decorative LED light poles, an irrigation system using reclaimed <br />water, and has received LEED accreditation at the Silver level. CGA’s fees: $375,000. <br />b. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Rolling Oaks Park <br />Miami Gardens, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2012 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />2014 <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Designed a 1.5 mile long pedestrian trail through Rolling Oaks Park. The trail included new L.E.D. site lighting, fitness <br />equipment, and benches. A custom-designed way-finding signage program was developed for all of the trailhead signs, <br />directional signs, and mileage markers. The design of the trail was carefully laid out so as to not disturb the hundreds <br />of existing like oak trees on the site. CGA’s fees: $140,000. <br />c. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Lake at Royal Palm Park-Best Management Practices <br />Oakland Park, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2014 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />2015 <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Prepared a study and report on the best management practices for the maintenance of a large lake adjacent to Royal <br />Palm Park. The lake has several edge conditions, including being bordered by residential homes both with seawalls and <br />without seawalls. The report included recommendations for future lake maintenance activities, improved <br />communication between the City, contractor and residents, and new lake bank plantings. CGA’s fees: $7,500. <br />d. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Tree Planting Master Plan <br />Oakland Park, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2015 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />2016 <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Developed a master plan that identified all of the tree planting sites in the city on public lands and roadways. The plan <br />has become the basis for budgeting in future years for tree planting. In addition, the city is requesting tree canopy trust <br />funding from Broward County to implement Phase One of the project. The development of this plan has also led to the <br />creation of new landscape standards for the branding of the entire city. CGA’s fees: $325,000. <br />19