<br />,.,', '1'.11I'1; II:. 1I1\"'UII,I, I' :lny, ~h;lll bo giwn 10 the LQ.... lC$$" ;;agrees tQ camply Ylih 1ft add~icnaI ancf $upplemcntall'\lllllll end regul"lions
<br />"1.,,1, 11....._., 1.1 :,:111\1,' 11~1II1.c.::,:.<:l{_ If imy proVl:iton of this "'-$Q 5hoaU be declared lnwlid or ununror~..ble. the remolndur or thts loaso shrill
<br />( ',."lImA' III ;1111 'UIl;U an'" ell':I:1
<br />
<br />FORTY.FIRST: ACCELERATION CLAUSE: In addition 10 all other rights granted l1> Lessor in lhl~
<br />Ic;)!.c i.inc;J not as a Iimit.ation of said rights, in the event of a termination of this Icase as a re,!Sult of a default by lessee.
<br />Los>or sholl nove the right and opllon to accelerate all renlal due h.r.under. In the event of a detaull, all right. and
<br />(ClllcdIC::; JvaiJable 10 Lessor shall be cumUlative and non.excluslve,
<br />
<br />FORTY-SECOND: RADON GAS: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has
<br />;"cumulated in a building in .urticient quantities, may present health risks to per.ons Who are exposed to it Over Ume.
<br />Level, 01 r.don that cxceed tederal and .late guidelin.s have been found in buildings In Aorida. Additionai informall,!n
<br />re9.rcl109 rodon .nd -odon le.ting may be obtaln.d rrom your county public h.allll unil Pursuant to ~404.056(8~,
<br />f-=lorlcJa Zt<Jlulcs,
<br />
<br />FORTY-THIRD: INDEPENDENT COVENANT: Each and .very rental oblig.tion Le..e. is obligated
<br />:or under Ihe terms. or this Icase agrecment shilll be dct:med to be Independent caveno.vttS' to lessor and thaI! remain
<br />tlHlcpcruiL'nl Covcn'lnl$ notwiUl$tanding any ather Obligation Lessor may have to les~cc under the lease agreemenl
<br />
<br />FORTY-FOURTH: CLEANLINESS: Tenant shall maintain its show Window. in a n.at and clean
<br />'-ond/hon .:md shall keep sidewalks adjolnin" the demised premises clean and freo from rUbbish. anq shall store aul
<br />It."h ond garbage within the dcmis.d premises and shall arrange forth. regular pick up of ltash and garbage, Ten';',
<br />,h," nol burn any Ira.h ot any kind In or about the building, nor shall Tenant permit rubbi.h, refuse, or garbage to
<br />.:lCCUl11uliJlc or fire ha;cards to exist at the demised premises. Tenant shall pay the cost ot removal ot any of Tenant's
<br />~,ub....gc. rcrusc and rubbish,
<br />
<br />FORTY -FIFTH: DELIVERIES: All loading of goods and deliverIes of good. shall be done only at
<br />'ueh lilllCS, in the a,.os, and through lIi. entranc.s, designated tor such purposes by th. Les.or. Th. d.livery ,or
<br />,hipping of merchandi.e, supplie. and tixtures to and from the leas.d Premises shall be subj<et to SUch rule. and
<br />le~uIJlion' a, in Ihe Judgment of Ihe l.ssor are necessary for the proper operation of the leased Premi.e, or the
<br />~hoPPlng Cenler. All delive"es mU.1 be mad. betore 10:00 AM, EST, unle.s prior "'Tltlen con.ent is obtained trom the
<br />Lesoor Tratler. Of truck. .hall not be p.rmitled to remain parked overnight in any ar.a ot U,e Shopping Center,
<br />,..,f)cthcr 10.3cJed. unloaded or partially louded or unloaded,
<br />
<br />FORTY.SIXTH: DISPLAY RESTRICTIONS: The l.ssee will display and main lain the leased
<br />poellllSC' in 0 firsl class manner at 011 times, Th. lessee can not display any Items or merchandi.e outside the leased
<br />j)rt'nmc:;. Inell/ding UlC front door and the sidewalk of any 'ommon area, A viola lion of this clause by another Tenant
<br />10COleo "t the shopping cenlcr ot whicn the/.ased premises are a part. whether with or \\'iu,out the moV/ledge andlor
<br />con~cnl ~Ir Ihc LC~$o" docs not permit the Lessee to have the ,ame violation.
<br />* which carmot be unreasonably withheld.
<br />FO(<TY.Sr::VENTH: SIGNAGe: Lessee is responsible (or installing his own signagc. lessee 5hall
<br />/llOfllpUy ...,cc.:I;J ~iiln Within Ihe area dc'igl1atcct by the Lcssor. which sign shall be sLJbJcc~ to the prIor written approval
<br />"r Le"or* le"ee must use the samc size letters, same sly/e, color and sy.tem so lI1at the sign eonforms with Ihe
<br />ulho, "9rlS i" U'e .hopping cenler 01 which the I...ed premises ar. a part Le..e. must utilize the tour Inch (4')
<br />'el"uv"~le "CCCSS pancllo moke lhe el.ctrical hook up. The L.ssee Covenants lI1at h. wilt keep both signs, tne sign
<br />unucr the ciJnop>' ana the Sign over the canopy~ lit seVen days a Week from one hour before :iun:;ct until 2:00 AM.
<br />lc:.~cc ru"'lt::r coveno:Jnls thai any sign shall be maintained in good condition and repair at aU times.
<br />
<br />FORTY.E/GHTH: PARKING: L.sse., store own.rs, store managers, and all other store emplo)'~es
<br />l11u,1 park in lhe r,orparking 101 only as specified ~y lessor. Front parking lots may only be used by patrons and
<br />CUSIOOlC/S
<br />
<br />:hJt <Joy brcJch of 'any conditions or tern,lS
<br />
<br />y 0 IS employees or agents
<br />
<br />FIFTIETH: OPTION TO RENEW: Conting.nt upon l.....'s tull compliance with all t.rms 01 this
<br />le";,r, oncl Lc!\Sc~'s non detaull h.r~u"d.r, '/t'51or hereby gives and grants to L.ssee the tighl to extend hi, le~se
<br />(01 onc (1) succ;c;uive ), ve Year options from the dato-of the expiration of the initial
<br />te(111 The uption 10 e.:end lh.. Icase tor ony form may only be exercised ror thelmm.ctIately succeeding lerm. ,
<br />rile Qplion to renew will be Dl/tomatic;:ally extended for Ule full term of the option period unless
<br />L""co, yovc' I"ju, ~"lten nutic. to Lessor, via Certified mail, return receipt requosted, not Ie.. than three (3) lull
<br />c.I,meu;J( IlIOnlh5 I)(if"l( 10 the expiration 01 the base least: term of tI1eir intent to terminate the lease agreement. If
<br />le!!ec " "' <JctouH of. tne Icase agreom.nt at tho Urn. ot th. r.newal p.rlod, at LaOlOr'. opUan, th. I.... may b.
<br />Icrnun4Jkd forthwith by Lessor, AJI of tOe term$ covenants and conditions of thIs leaso. ahaJJ b., applicable tor ~ny
<br />I cncwdl pc.:.iods with the SpdCirlC undcrs~ndlng that the monthly base rent during the opUon periods will be lncrcaucl
<br /><JnnVOIlly lJy Five (S%) ovcr the prior year$ base rent. If there are no addItional optJons contaIned In the lease
<br />~y'eC:lllcnt , the lease will be enended automatically ror a orye (1) year period, unless Lenor has provided three 1(3)
<br />nlonth~ prior wril~ cn'notice to lessce of their intent to terminate the lease agreement and request and request U1a!
<br />tenant VOlcalc.
<br />
<br />FIFTY-FIRST: USE OF ADDITIONAL AREAS: The u.. and occupation 0' Ule Leased Premises
<br />shall inclUde Ule non-c'x.clusive use, in common with ethers entitted thereto, of the common areas, employees' parJdng
<br />arca~. ~CrvlCe roa"':;, i.lalls. loading facilities, sidewalks and ~ustgmer car par~ng areas a.s ,such common areas new
<br />c:(I!.1 or .1::, !oueh common iJreas may hereafter be con~tNcted. and other f3c:Illtles as may be dl::olgnated from tjme to
<br />tlrllC lJy thc lessor, suhjecl however to the terms and conditions of thi$ agreement and the lease ilgrc:cment and to Ulc
<br />rujc~ ~ntl rl;:gulatlons for the use thereof as prescribed from time t~ tlme by 1hc Lessor. N~~ithstandin9 the forQ~cin9,
<br />the LeBor. al hi~ Ol.llion. reserVes the right to relocate lessee Into another s~acQ of :ilmdar s.quare footage In ,U\l:!
<br />:'hopl.llng Ccnle(, The lessee: shall be advised of said relocation ~n Clr bL:1o:rc Sixty (GO) days pnor to s:d~ .rc:loc.O;IUon.
<br />In the ~vcnt Ihe Lc:.sec ~h~1I not agree to the relocation as prOVided herein, at Less.or'$ opliof'l. thl$ h:a:u: Shi:lll.. be
<br />c,mc.clcd ~ncJ of no lurther force Qr effeet and lhe'Le55or shall not be lJablt.: lo Le:;sec lor any gamages of any .::nd
<br />
<br />v/h;Jls.ocvcr
<br />
<br />6
<br />