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•__tea o`VYYVJ1111 LURES' LANDSCAPING, INC. <br />41 U13 <br />CITY OF AVENTURA <br />BID No. 98-8-17-2 <br />PAGE No. 3 <br />This is not an order <br />PARKS/MEDIANS/RIGHT-OF-WAY MAINTE-NANCE <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS, INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDERS <br />2.1: SUBMISSION OF BIDS <br />2_ 1:1: Bidders must use the bid lbrm(s) fumished by the City. Failure to do so may cause <br />the bid to be rejected_ Removal of any of the bid prapasal may invalidate the bid. <br />2.1.2: Proposals having an erasure or corrections must be initialed by the bidder in ink. <br />Bids shall be signed in ink; all quotations shall be typewritten or filled In with ink. <br />2.2 GUARANTIES: No guarantee or warranty is given or Implied by the City as to the total <br />amount that may or may not be purchased from any resulting contract or award. The —se - <br />quantities are for bidding purposes only and will be used 11or tabulation and presentation of <br />the bid. The City reserves the right to reasonably increase or decrease quantities as <br />required. The pric�.s offered herein and the percentage rate of discount applies to other <br />representative Items not listed in thls bid. <br />2.3: DELIVERY: All items shall be delivered F.O.B. destination (I.E. at a specific City of <br />Aventura address), and delivery costs and charges (if any) will be induded In the bid price. <br />Exceptions should be noted. When practical, the City may make pick-ups at the vendors <br />place of business. <br />2.4: MISTAKE: If there is a discrepancy in the unit and extended prices, the unit prioes(s) <br />will prevail and the extensions adjusted to coincide. Bidders are responsible for checking <br />their calculations_ Failure to do so will be at the bidder's risk, and errors will not release the <br />bidder from his responsibility as noted herein. <br />BIDDERS NAME: biike Facarazzo <br />COMPANY NAME: Lukes' Landpcaping, Inc. <br />