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VW/1U/ZUU1 11:49 FAX 9544331111 LUKES' LANDSCAPING, INC. <br />16 014 <br />CITY OF AVENTURA <br />BID No. 98-8- Z2 <br />PAGE_ No. 4 <br />This is not an order <br />PARKS/MEDIANSIRIGHT-OF-WAY MAINTENANCE <br />INVITATION TO BID <br />3A- BRAND NAMES: If a brand name, make, of any "or equal" manufacturer trade name, <br />trade name, or vendor catalog is mentioned whether or not followed by the words "approved <br />equal" it is for the purpose of establishing a grade or quality of material only. Vendor may <br />offer equals with appropriate identification, samples and/or specifications on such Rom (a). <br />The City shall be the sole judge concerning the merits of items bid as equals. <br />3.1.2: Provision of any written indication of intent to quote an alternative brand or model <br />number, or designation of objective of the bid will be considered as a quotation In complete <br />compliance with the specifications as listed, at the discretion of the City, which would best <br />serve the City's interest <br />3.2: MATERIAL: Acosptance of the materials) delivered under this proposal shall remain <br />the properly of the seller until accepted to the satisfaction of the City. In the event materials <br />supplied to city are hound to be defective or does not conform to specifications, the City <br />reserves the right to return the product (a) to the seller at the sellers expense. <br />3.3: PRICING: Prices should be stated in units of quantity specified in the bidding <br />specifications. In rase of a discrepancy, the City reserves the right to make the final <br />determination at the lowest net cost to the City. <br />3,4: SAFETY STANDARDS: The bidder warrants that the product (s) supplled to the City <br />conforms in all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health <br />Ad (OSHA) and its amendments. Bids must be accompanied by materials data safety <br />sheets (M.5_D.S.) when applicable. <br />3.5: PAYMENTS; Payment will to made after oommoditieWservices have been received, <br />accepted, and properly invoiced ea indicated in the Contract and/or purchase order. <br />Invoices must bear thee purchase order number. <br />SIDDFRS NAME:Loke Facaraz7-n <br />COMPANYNAME:Lukes' Landscaping, Inc. <br />