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<br />-- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />S~al" t'l HCllda <br />St~Ie T ",chnc/co;;!,1 (Y.1ICJ:l <br />'Nil'l..ik;~s DaCt.1 Servi(::P.'3 <br /> <br />3,1,6 Reporting, <br /> <br />Tr.0 Pm1ies 'hill mutuall,' Ju:crl1llne an ~rJpropria1.e .8 I of period io ~ports tD be is-suad Ily ~~ Con~r&ctor <br />10 Ihe 3TO. }\t 1\ min;mum lh8re 011..11 bi; a mC(1thl,' reporl surnm(1rlzi n(llhP. Contr"otor'S ~<)tiorm~n,~, <br />il",~ tIding Ser"ices '.llld De,li.'embls. ",-",,--..plOd by lhe STO or due th" Gro. the fllilure of Conlrodl)r to <br />I>rn,'ic e Son\' Serviwo ur Ddiver,lbl..s due Olio o~)Cr' m",el Par10rmanw Stendards, And srrl dispule'; <br />l>8twe"n ;he Contraolor .,md the STO regarding Sarlic(:s or D",lh'''Tabl.,,;. Wlwrc the rer.,rl ir,clude. a n~ <br />fai UfB :0 ~(o',lde S",,,'ices 01 Deli.crebles, Qr to alhelwi.e moot Perforn;~noe StBn""rdo, tho Contrndor <br />sh,'1I ,t81" B pm)J,)SCd methcQ t" cure rucll follut'C and to pre"ant such feilure from r"ourring. <br /> <br />3.2 Change Ordet'Ol <br /> <br />"'" <l Q01lc[':)1 n,II.', Changs, Shilll be permitted tD th.. CCfltracl by mutual "IJrcct11et1l of ths Paroies, <br /><;LlnRistant .".m, Ihls Section 3.2. Sud'! Changes m~y add",:;.;, ',l1lcng other thing., lucnnobs:",,1 <br />rcfresom"nt of the SCI'\Iiees J"d Deli,'erabl,.,; proVlde<:l und"r the CarllfilCl, mduding tha .ub.liluliOn O[ <br />"de llicn of $e,f'Jio"" or Delivt;t'(lbles "..;thin 1hll SClJp" of Ihe Con1ract that m..y bcCOtl~ ,'Nllilabje '" iJ <br />,..u;[ 01 W:tlnol(;'Jiclll or prafes-'iOn<llll11prov'.'mer1ls. The p.,rtlos may, ilt any time dllfirrg the T",rm "f th" <br />C<ln;raot, Of ilf'ri oxtensiof). 1Mret}!. mU~Hlly Jgr'.'e It} modify the Contr~cl to pmvide fO( II," ocqU1si1ion of <br />(,d,1iticn~1 Sacv.tce. and DL}lrlerableg within tha .CCpO ofth", ITN. <br /> <br />3.2.1 C h,lIlge Order Process. <br /> <br />;0 pr,opJ.. " CMrlge, I.'ilh..r Part,. will delf,,"r a 'mittan prop=;J1 (the 'Ch~n~" Otder Prc~S(\t.) 10 the <br />0lil';r P~~y spe:ifying mo pronosed Ct>anga iJM spoci~('-3l1y id8n~f)'ing 1110 basis for th" pro~(Jou0 <br />eh"",,,. The Ch~nga Order Pr(J~s~1 shall ~"sctit.. (i} ItlC objective or purp""'" t,f the Change, (ii~ the <br />re,'l'Ii.'amen,. "nd d'.1ract"riBti"" of tho Scrvlces ,md D,,~i~aral>k.;; lel toe llrCNidad pursu",nt 10 SUGh <br />C11Cn!:;;<, "Cld ,:,ii) 11-.. rcqlWS~e<J priorilizaticon and schcdul'.' far the Chang0. The PMI", '....ill c""'""falc <br />wilh u;,;~h other in gc.od fai:t. in discussing th" .oope and n[\tme of lho; Chenge ordo< ProposAl, the <br />av,;,ilabilily Of ContITlolor parson"" I , (lK;Jertl3ll ~r.d resou"","" 1.0 pr'O~lde such Change, and ~)C time pericc. <br />in ',,"ioh such Ch<lI1QO 11'111 00 irnplarT<l"loo. <br /> <br />',',Cjlhn ~en (1 0 ~ bu,; nC'>.; dJ~'$ of pro'liding or Iswiving a Chilnga Order Pmposel, Con.fTIl.-:tor will prapare <br />" WI illar; ~sse$~nt of the pro""sal (the "ChB"ge AJ;.C<)StllCnn (i) ~"soribing any c/l~t)J~ in produ.o~.. <br />se""::,,s, a..ignment of pP."lonnsl arid olher reS(l~mes thai Contmetor believes will b<l ro~ulrcd, (i.) <br />,-,!;~m(lting lh", incrsa"" or docreJs<) In Contrddor ctHlrges end!ar STO rcrl'tlmeratiOrl that would t:;.) <br />re~"ircd due to SllCh 0\'3r9'" (I il) .~clf:llng h(1.,' th" prop[)$.()d Ct'JI10e wL,uld be itT,plCmen\ed, \e;) <br />~8seribing the effect, ir 80":1, su&i Change would I.we cn th" Carliract, ir\Clualn,l, b~t not limitsd tu, ~m() <br />'c;, :Jurformance, (v) estima~ny all rc.3our~" required (r) ll11plement ,uoh CilangO. (vi) deSGrihing 1r-a <br />G elivery ri.k. ",rvJ <lss<pat"d ri.k mitig<lliotl plJ ns, ilnd {vii) pr{J\'iding ~uct' other infcorm..UOn M may l.>!' <br />r01~'hlI1t 1<1 th" prc~DS<Jd Cllar.;je, <br /> <br />To U1e e>rte,nt thsl a prO',JO$cd Ch~ro!le is of .uCh magnitlJOl.' or oompl".ily tMt it is not ~eaoibl" 10' <br />Con:",d0r to pr<:>du<le a ds~ailo<J ChJrtge A~8s..menl wi~lln ten ('10) bu,;in"".s d<l,'S, ContrE'oC,iDr .r.all <br />~",pars a .uI11ln.1fY Ch,m~e AJ;.""'....."'li:>nl OIHlinin(J B"ch delails rogardin(llha pro.p"Gli,O Cil.~ng~ "" <br />C0I11....r:lor can as:lltlain within 1en ('10) bu"in= days, "M the Parti,," SI,'111 Jgrl.'e upon " .CIIOIJull~ lor <br />~,e ~rod~r:tiof) of a mOfIJ dct<llied Char,." ,"..""osmcnt. <br /> <br />Th~ 3TO 'hill 'e'""., the Ch"11g0 Ass",s,mant and r".pond within tan (10) l>u~ir'tC,jS days, irtdic.;~"g <br />wh.,1hsr tt"J S I 0 des',r"" Contraclor 10 Implemeni the Chang" pu rsuanl to th" C hs nge A~"W-SI""nt. If <br />>0, ~r" Partie" ',',III o<Oc"rte ~ .-:hange order u.,;;Dc.l~p(ln Ihe Psrlie.' agreorrl<Jt't, <br /> <br />3,2.2 Effect of Change Orders. <br /> <br />Change. 10 ltw S"f\'iG<.'~ {Jr Oeli'lsrdUlos, manner or method or pt'<lI'lding th" Se,,'ic<lS- or [JolI'lerab;"s, <br />sh~1I ~., made;n wTil,ng at,j be """ouloo by ~le 510 "nd Contrec.tor'~ i.\uthoriz",d Agenl and olherwlse it; <br /> <br />l~O\frK'V~ I ~IP 'Mru:::'~8 r..':'.fA S=.,HYK';l-S <br /> <br />~~f..':;I.:))4. <br />P"n!~ 111;'If.'iS <br />