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INVITATION TO BID <br />7.1: WARRANTY /GUARANTY: Successful bidder shall act as agent for the City in the follow -up and compliance of <br />all items under warranty/guarantee and complete all forms for warranty/guarantee coverage under this contract. Bidder <br />warrants by signature on his proposal sheet that prices quoted here are in conformity with the latest federal price <br />guidelines. <br />7.2: SAMPLES: Samples of items, when required, must be furnished by the bidder free of charge to the City. Each <br />individual sample must be labeled with the bidders name, and manufacturer's brand name and delivered by him within ten <br />(10) calendar days of the bid opening unless schedule indicated a different time. If samples are requested subsequent to <br />the bid opening, they should be delivered within ten (10) calendar days of the request. The City will not be responsible <br />for returning samples. <br />7.3: DISPUTES: If any dispute concerning a question of fact arises under the contract, other than termination for <br />default or convenience, the contractor and the City department responsible for the administration of the contract shall <br />make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved by agreement, then the department with <br />the advice of the City Attorney, shall resolve the dispute and send a written copy of its decision to the contractor, which <br />shall be binding on both parties. <br />7.4: HOLD HARMLESS: All bidders shall hold the City, it's officials and employees harmless and covenant not to sue <br />the City, it's officials and employees in reference to their decisions to reject, award, or not award a bid, as applicable. <br />7.5: CANCELLATION: Failure on the part of the vendor to comply with the conditions, specifications, requirements, <br />and terms as determined by the City, shall be just cause for cancellation of the award. <br />7.6: RELATION TO PARTIES: It is understood and agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed <br />to create a partnership, joint venture, other association, or an employer /employee relationship between the Contractor <br />and the City. Contractor shall be in the relation of an independent contractor and is to have entire charge, control and <br />supervision of the work to be performed hereunder. <br />7.7: COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: Contractor shall comply with all laws, regulations and ordinances of any federal, <br />state, or local governmental authority having jurisdiction with respect to this Agreement (Applicable Laws) and shall <br />obtain and maintain any and all material permits, licenses, approvals and consents necessary for the lawful conduct of the <br />activities contemplated under this agreement. <br />7.8 WAIVER OF LIABILITY/INDEMNITY: The City shall not in any way be answerable or accountable for any <br />violations of applicable laws or for any injury, loss or damage arising from the negligence or omission of Contractor or <br />any one of its employees, contractors or agents. Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the <br />City from and against any claim, loss, damage, liability, cost or expense, including attorneys' fees, whether or not due to <br />or caused in whole or in part by City or its employees, arising out of (i) the performance or breach by the Contractor of <br />its obligations under this Agreement, (ii) any personal or bodily injury, including death, to any person and destruction of <br />property resulting from the performance or breach by Contractor of its limits in excess of One Million Dollars <br />($1,000,000) for claims arising from a single occurrence. Contractors indemnify obligation shall extend up to but shall <br />not exceed the higher limits of that insurance. Contractor hereby irrevocably waives any right and agrees not to file any <br />mechanic's or materialman's lien against the interest of the owner of the property. <br />00210-7 <br />