<br />Summary Minutes: Regular City Commission Meeting November 17,2011
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<br />Sunny Isles Beach, Florida
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<br />Charles Seiger said that Porsche wanted the elegance of the car driving up around, entering at
<br />the lobby, and taking the normal lobby concierge, and then returning out to Collins Avenue.
<br />In addition to that there is a driveway in the base of the building that goes through and
<br />connects to one of three cores, and he showed a plan at grade. The parking for valet and
<br />guests occurs here, you drive in and arrive at a rotary mechanism that picks you up after you
<br />turn off your car, puts you in the elevator cab, the elevator cab goes up, orients you out the
<br />window, from the 4th floor, another six (6) stories taller, there is a 6-story window here which
<br />you will be in your car looking out over the west as you go up the elevator. It rotates at your
<br />floor and to your garage, the door opens from the cab and there is a mechanism that levers out,
<br />rolls on your garage floor and puts you down in your car, either backwards or forwards
<br />depending on whether or not you have things in your trunk that you would like to unload, it is
<br />all programmable. They have approval from the Miami-Dade County Elevator Department
<br />upon a third party research certifying its safety.
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<br />Charles Sieger said there is a window there that looks across to the fireplace, over the personal
<br />swimming pool and out to the ocean, and that is the smaller unit. The bigger units are the "A"
<br />units which will be renumbered later when marketing starts, and that unit has a 4-car garage,
<br />and every unit gets two cars on their floor. The entrance has the usual greenery, valet spaces
<br />for holding, a dog walking area, there is handicap and pedestrian accesses on both the north
<br />and the south to the beach which is unusual but this has the 20-foot requirement on both sides.
<br />Pedestrians will have no problem entering into the elevator lobby at the lowest floor, get into
<br />the elevator and go up and out at the lobby. Above the lobby in the 6th floor opening are the
<br />spas, the exercise areas, and the common areas which also occur over the top of the porte-
<br />cochere. Porsche Design Group has designed numerous products but they have not done real
<br />estate, and Gil Dezer with his foresight has licensed this building to go all over the world but
<br />the first place is here, it will be an icon and will raise values across the City.
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<br />Mayor Edelcup asked if all three (3) elevators operate at one time, and Mr. Sieger said
<br />separately, three are going up at any given time, and there are six (6) passenger elevators as
<br />well. So you can drop your car off, valet it, or you can self park it by sitting in it and taking a
<br />ride. They will also build a cab on wheels so that people moving in can put their furniture in
<br />this box on wheels to be taken up by the same elevator that takes up the vehicle and puts it in
<br />the garage so that people can unload their furniture without disrupting that elevator flow.
<br />Mayor Edelcup asked if the guest parking is down below, and Mr. Sieger showed the area on a
<br />rendering. He said the cabana under the pool deck, and the pool deck is not very protrusive, it
<br />goes up by 20-feet, the basic platform of the lobby is just under 20 feet in elevation.
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<br />Commissioner Aelion said the engineering studies for impact on safety and this environment,
<br />has that been taken into consideration for hurricane-related issues and for mechanical
<br />breakdowns ofthe elevators. He assumes that the County, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue, has been
<br />cleared through them but the comfort level of this project, he believes it is the first on the east
<br />coast. Mr. Sieger said no, there are robotic parking systems that park your car without you in
<br />it. The real key here is that you can stay in your car and get parked. There is a system
<br />opening in a few weeks in South Beach that takes your car, you leave it and it robotically puts
<br />your car in the garage. Commissioner Aelion said as far as this tower innovative application,
<br />this is a first, and Mr. Sieger said yes as far as he knows. There are numerous failsafe items
<br />included in the elevator system such as gas sensors, diesel sensors, carbon monoxide sensors,
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