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<br />City of Sunny Isles Beach |Invitation to Bid No. 17-08-01 22 <br /> <br />3.7 QUALITY OF PARTS TO BE FURNISHED <br /> <br />Parts furnished to the City shall meet or exceed the quality of the parts furnished originally for <br />the equipment (OEM). However, if the original manufacturer has updated the quality of the parts <br />for current production, parts supplied under this contract shall equal or exceed the updated <br />quality. Failure to provide items of such quality will be cause for rejection and / or return of said <br />item. The burden of proof and cost of analysis will be the Contractor’s. There will be no reboxing <br />of parts. <br /> <br />Rebuilt / remanufactured parts will have been dismantled and reconstructed as necessary: all <br />internal and external parts cleaned and made free from rust and corrosion; all impaired, <br />defective, or substantially worked parts restored to a sound condition or replaced wi th new, <br />rebuilt, or unimpaired used parts; all missing parts replaced with new, rebuilt, or unimpaired used <br />parts; and such other operations performed as are necessary to put the product in sound working <br />condition. Rebuilt or used parts must conform to the manufacturer’s reconditioning tolerances. <br /> <br />Costs for lubricants, grease, and other similar materials used to maintain or repair city fleet <br />vehicles shall be included in the parts cost incurred by the Contractor and ultimately to be part of <br />the targeted operating budget costs in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. <br /> <br />3.8 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS <br /> <br />The Contractor needs to be fully aware of the fact that City departments that rely on vehicles to <br />perform their functions operate in a highly competitive environment and time for maintenance <br />and repair work is of the essence. With this in mind, the Contractor will meet the performance <br />standards noted below during the term of this agreement. <br /> <br />The Contractor will be expected to maintain these performance standards at all times. Labor <br />disputes, strikes, and other events, except those beyond the Contactors’ co ntrol will not relieve <br />the Contractor of meeting these standards. <br /> <br />3.9 VEHICLE TURNAROUND TIME STANDARDS <br /> <br />The following percentages of all maintenance and repair work must be completed within 24 hours <br />of the vehicles delivery to the garage or within 24 ho urs of notification of maintenance <br />requirements (excluding weekends and non-working holidays): <br /> <br />General Fleet Vehicles 85% of the time <br /> <br />One-Ton or Smaller Vehicles 80% of the time <br /> <br />Larger than One-Ton Vehicles 75% of the time <br />(Includes Construction Equipment <br />& other specialty equipment) <br />