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| Page 4 <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach | RFQ No. 18-02-01 | March 22, 2018 <br />Marine And Coastal Professional Engineering Consulting Services (CCNA) <br />such as construction vs. maintenance costs, permitting feasibility, and legal risks. Evaluating a wide range of perspectives and <br />variables allows us to provide our clients with better alternatives that meet their needs. Due to this diligence, the City will be <br />presented with options to vet and determine which parameters are critical to your project and as such, cost savings are realized <br />during project development. <br />The M&N team has experience in the City that will provide valuable perspective and a broad base of existing knowledge from <br />which a project strategy and work plan will be developed. M&N personnel are keenly aware of beach management north <br />of Bakers Haulover Inlet as well as the coastal processes south of Port Everglades that influence beach management. Mr. <br />Blankenship was engineer-of-record for several of the active truck haul beach nourishment projects permitted by Miami-Dade <br />DERM since a 2005 timeframe. He is currently engineer-of-record for the scheduled beach nourishment in the City relative to <br />the Armani Development as part of the project’s CCCL permitting. Mr. Blankenship was the Project Manager for the 2009 study <br />while employed at his former firm, and this study evaluated the existing artificial reef designed/constructed by the U.S. Army <br />Corps of Engineers. He has also completed designs for several artificial reefs in southeast Florida, and utilized “Reef Balls” for <br />various projects. Ms. Brush and Mr. Blankenship are intimately familiar with all of the biological conditions and regulations that <br />affect marine project design and construction in Miami-Dade County – such as for shoreline stabilization and docking facilities <br />on the Intracoastal Waterway and in canals – are currently in the process of securing permits for shoreline improvements for a <br />private client in Sunny Isles Beach. <br />Based on this knowledge and our initial conversations with the City for each task order, we will develop a concise and focused <br />project work plan tailored to the needs of each phase of the assignment. The project-specific work plan will identify the Team <br />members, their roles and responsibilities, project objectives, phasing, deliverables, project budget, our communication plan, <br />quality assurance and quality control procedures, and project administration requirements. <br />Scheduling, coordination, and communication procedures will be fully described in the work plan, to ensure secure and efficient <br />communication and coordination for all involved parties throughout the course of project development, review, and execution. <br />Our work plans provide detailed project schedules that encompass all project activities and milestones, from the initial kickoff <br />meeting to the certification of completion submitted at the end of each task assignment. Milestones included in the project <br />schedule include those for meetings, field activities, status review, quality control submittals, client review periods, and interim <br />submissions as needed to validate work progress and conformance to standards. <br />M&N is committed to providing quality and cost-effective planning, engineering, architecture, permitting and construction support <br />services, with a focus on the objectives of the client, the preferences of the stakeholders, and the needs of the user groups. We <br />will consider both short-term and long-term ambitions of the City and establish a clear path for successful performance. Our <br />fundamental project management philosophies include: <br /> ƒIdentifying early in the planning/permitting/design process any potential project opportunities, constraints and variables <br /> ƒConsidering potential needs for future related projects/tasks <br /> ƒEngaging all involved, for clear, consistent and open communication <br /> ƒProviding efficient, constructible designs that maximize the City’s return on investment <br /> ƒDevelopment of creative solutions, as appropriate <br /> ƒStrict control of project schedules and the assigned staff <br /> ƒAssigning professional staff with appropriate experience and capabilities, as well as consistent staffing to ensure <br />continuity and quality <br /> ƒDedication of sufficient staff resources to fulfill project needs <br /> ƒA comprehensive QA/QC program tailored to meet individual project requirements <br />Attendance at Commission Meetings <br />The M&N team regularly participates in public workshops/meetings, including City/County Commission meetings for a variety of <br />public sector clients. These meetings are often attended with short notice and during the day and/or evening. Miami-based staff <br />strive to be responsive, and multiple staff are involved with Projects to ensure staff are available on short notice. Presentations <br />are regularly provided/given. Recent Council/Commission experience in southeast Florida includes the following: <br /> ƒVillage of Key Biscayne <br /> ƒCity of Miami - Commission and Advisory Board(s) <br /> ƒMiami-Dade County BOCC