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"i, -, bUN Vit,. <br />(1) hour notification for emergencies at all times at no charge, Including facility <br />maintenance duties, boarding up of facilities, and other work a, directed by the City, shall <br />be pr3Znt at up to 3 special events Per year as re'yuauted by the City, and be present at <br />all planning meetings at no charge, with twenty-four (24) hour notice. This person shall <br />perform inspections at minimum twice per week of the landscaped areas In the scope of <br />services and be available to City for routine and as -needed Inspections as directed by the <br />City, shall be available to the City's Project Manager(s) and Consultant as directed by the <br />City for inspections, reviews, and consultation via telephone or other approved wireless <br />cummunimbons on a 24/7/365 basis. When thl, person is out of City on vacation or leave, <br />an alternate contact shall be provided, and shall be approved at the City'S Sole discretion. <br />The Program Manager must be available to discuss ConLraR matters and performance <br />Issues with the ProjeR Manager(s) or Consulwnt during regular City Dusiness Rours anti <br />withln one (1) hour during other Mmes. This can be accomplisReti In person_ or Dy <br />telephone, as apprpriate depending on the circumswnces. ine Outies will De peRormea <br />at no additional labor or travel cRarges. ine Conuactor must provlDe to me ProjetT <br />Managers) the contaET Information kI.e. pRone_ email aOOress, cels pRone_ etc.) ror the <br />Program Manager anD an alternate mOivlOual_ witnin five (7) nays or execution or the <br />Contram A resume or the Program Manager must De suDmlttlM witR the Contrauor's <br />qualincadons as specirieO in beRlon /. wRIEM must In01uDe ail contact mrormation (Le. <br />teepRone, email atiMress, cell pRone, etc.. i ne ContratTo. must provide an updated list <br />no less tnan rive h1 Mays or any cRanges or the Program Manager or contact information <br />provIVEM. Foreman, FleiD supervisors, Account Managers, etc. are not ac,—,ptablc. <br />i ne Progra Manager must furnish a monthly report t"Report`) to the Project Manager no <br />later than the fifteenth (15th) of -ach month that must consist of five (5) parts, brrken <br />down as follows: <br />Part 1: Prior month's Basic Services acHvitie3 accomplished, Identified by park, facility, and <br />beach access path, and must include the date(s) the Work was performed. <br />Part 2: Prior month's Supplemental Services activities accomplished, Identified by park, <br />facility, and beach acc=-s5 path, the date(s) the Work was performed and the costs) <br />associated with the Work. <br />Part 3: Prior month's Re -Work activities accomplished, identified by park, facility, and beach <br />access path, the date(s) the Work was performed. <br />Part 4: Prior month's Additional zervices atTivities accomplished_ idendiieM Dy parR_ raclllty, <br />and beach access path_ the date-ks) tRe vvorlt was peRorml?O. <br />Part a: Prior month's inspeLuons conOuLteO untler use %4CP. i nis rart or the Repon: must <br />Include the following: <br />a. Gates or InspeRions <br />0, name anD signature or Inspettor <br />c. t.ocaoon or the Inspection <br />City or sunny Isles 6eacR 1113 la-Oa-Oc ParRs anti Recreational Facilities Eam!!Lcupc <br />Lukes' 1,aAgza ping- Inc. <br />